Friday, December 7, 2012

Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size

What happens if I change the canvas size? I want to print my photo as a 5x7 print. Should I change the image size or the canvas size? These are common questions among beginners who are just learning to use Photoshop.

Many who are just learning to use Adobe Photoshop often are confused by the differences in the canvas size and image size functions.

Learn Photoshop

The ability to adjust the canvas size is just one of the many features available in Adobe Photoshop that puts the user in control of every aspect of the digital image editing process.

While there is much more too it, changing the canvas size essentially creates more work space by adding extra pixels to the total image.

There are many ways you can use the canvas and image size functions to make your digital image editing work easier. Not only can you change the size of the canvas but you can also change the canvas color.

This function can be used to create frames or borders around your images. In addition, there are many other more advanced techniques for using the canvas size and image size functions.

As with all of the features and functions of Photoshop, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you take the time to learn how to properly use Photoshop's image and canvas size functions before you jump into a photo-editing project.

Photoshop is not nearly as difficult to learn as many might think but it does require that you learn proper techniques. While with many lesser quality photo editing programs you can sometimes get by with trial and error, Photoshop is not that easy to just jump in and create professional quality
graphic work without some knowledge.

With that being said, once you learn Photoshop there will be no limitations to what you can create.

Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials. Full Details Here: Photoshop Tutorials

Learn Photoshop Once and For All!

You already know the hassles of learning Photoshop if you have attempted to learn it on your own. What if there was a way to learn in under a couple of hours, would that interest you?

You don't have to be a techno geek to master the skills to become comfortable with learning Photoshop. One of the biggest barriers to overcome is fear. Some people fear the internet, software or anything new.

Learn Photoshop

Here are 3 simple tips to cutting the learning curve with anything new:

First, it is essential to find a good teacher. That might be an ebook, video, seminar etc. I like the no fluff approach, with simplicity. After all why waste time and money.

Second, it is essential to take action. A goal without action is a loss of potential. The things you could have done are lost. One thing that helps me is to set aside the time and just do it. If it is a large project, I simply work on it in small blocks of time until it is done.

Third, it is essential to be consistent. Think about it, consistency will strengthen your skill level and shorten your learning curve. The idea is to do it, and do it until you master it.

So to learn Photoshop find the best information available, take action, and be consistent. The end result will be stunning graphics, photos, web pages, or whatever else you decide to do.

You could even take your new skills and turn them into a stream of income.

It does not have to be a drudgery to learn Photoshop, it can really be fun. You will discover hidden talents, untapped potential, and maybe even a new stream of income.

You can actually learn Photoshop in under 2 hours, it really is possible!

Learn Photoshop Once and For All!

Learn Photoshop in under 2 hours, yes even newbies can discover simple tricks and tips to get stunning graphics.

No more struggles, time wasted, or work lost, it really is as simple as that.

Thanks! Gods Blessings, Anthony